Monday, October 20, 2008

What Will You Earn After Graduation?

Ever wonder what type of salary you can expect after graduating? What do other people earn? Which majors earn the most after college? Well now is your chance to find out! Every year NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) publishes 4 issues of the "Salary Survey" which might answer some of your questions. We have copies of the 2008 Salary Surveys in the Resource Room of the Student Development Office (Suite 115). You can search for information by major, gender, types of employers, and even job function.
Here are a few highlights from the Fall 2008 issue:

Top Paid Majors:
Petroleum Engineering......$75,621
Chemical Engineering........$63,773
Computer Science.......$61,110- UNT Dallas Campus Major!
Computer Engineering......$60,280
Materials Engineering.......$58,748

Hmmm....I am noticing a theme anyone???

Don't get discouraged, some of the other UNT Dallas Campus majors can still earn you a nice living!
Criminal Justice and Corrections.........$43,217
Information Sciences & Systems........... $52,322
Elementary Teacher Education..............$34,059
Human Resources.....................................$49,203
Logistics & Materials Management........$47,617

And for you graduate students, we didn't forget about you!

MBA- depends on yrs of experience and type of undergrad degree, but ranges from....$61,353 (non business undergraduate degree and 1 year or less of experience) to $104,333 for a business undergraduate degree and more than four years of experience.
Education Administration......................$43,817
Social Sciences.........................................$52,605

Please stop by our resource room to find out even more from the Salary Survey. Don't forget we also have a workshop about Salary Negotiation to help you earn the salary you deserve upon graduating. Our next Salary Negotiation Workshop is November 19th. Of course, you can always make an individual appointment with one of our career counselors to discuss any aspect of your career in more detail. That's all for now!

Friday, October 10, 2008


Starting today, students will be able to access job opportunities, upload their resumes, stay up to date with career events, an much more with our new Job Search Network called JaguarJobs!

To begin go to:

This page, located on the UNT Dallas Campus Student Life page, will have a link for students to click on under the JaguarJobs Logo. If you are already a member of the UNT EagleNetwork, don't worry, you can still access EagleNetwork, AND you can use JaguarJobs, so you will have even more chances to see and pursue job opportunities. Please contact us if you have any questions or need help! Good luck!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

National Depression Screening Day

National Depression Screening Day is technically October 11, but since that is a Saturday, we chose to make today, October 9th, our UNT Dallas Campus Depression Screening Day. We had a booth set up on the third floor with mental health information available for students. We also provided students with an online Mental Health Screening located at

You can go to this website now and put in UNTDALLAS for the Keyword to screen yourself for depression, generalized anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and bi-polar disorder.

Why Screen for Depression?
Clinical depression is a serious medical illness.
Clinical depression can lead to suicide.
Sometimes people with depression mistakenly believe that the symptoms of depression are a "normal part of life."
Clinical depression affects men and women of all ages, races and socioeconomic groups.
One in four women and one in 10 men will experience depression at some point during their lifetimes.
Two-thirds of those suffering from the illness do not seek the necessary treatment.
Depression can co-occur and complicate other medical conditions.
More than 80 percent of all cases of clinical depression can be effectively treated with medication, psychotherapy or a combination of both.
Screenings are often the first step in getting help.

*Taken from the Mental Health America website

Don't forget that the Student Development Office provides FREE counseling sessions to students (up to eight sessions) which can help deal with all the issues of life!

Contact us to make an appointment or if you have any questions regarding your screening. or 972-780-3632