Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Holidays from the SDO Staff!

Stay Informed with the Dallas Campus Listserv

Are you currently subscribed to the UNT Dallas Campus listserv? If you answered yes, than good for you! You are on top of it and staying up-to-date with the latest information. If you answered no, then now is the time! Since you are done with finals you can easily make the time to stop by the Student Development Office front desk to fill out a very short form, or you can just send us an e-mail stating your first and last name and the e-mail address where you want the listserv e-mails sent.
Once you are subscribed you will start to receive e-mails containing information relevant to UNT Dallas Campus students. Don't worry- you will not be bombarded with endless and meaningless e-mails or forwards, that is not what we are about!
Some examples of the relevant e-mails we send out are: Info about financial aid, registration, new classes being offered, scholarships, internships, jobs, events, clubs and organizations, weekly activities here on campus, and other things that are useful to know about.
There is no better time that right now to sign up for the Dallas Campus Listserv. Call, e-mail, or come by today and start being informed!

Hope to hear from you soon,

Friday, December 5, 2008

Internships- A Key To Career Success!

As the Fall semester comes to an end we here in the student development office can't help thinking about the upcoming Spring semester! I know that is the last thing on the mind of college students as they take their finals, but it might be a good idea to start thinking about a Spring Internship!

There are several benefits to getting an internship before you graduate.

1. It can allow you to try out a career without making a full commitment.
2. You will have the chance to meet people who can become a part of your professional network.
3. You will (hopefully) acquire on-the-job skills that will make you more marketable when you enter the full-time workforce after you graduate.
4. When you do graduate, you will be starting out with some experience under your belt which will put you ahead of some of your competition!
5. It might help you decide what you DON"T want to do for you career which can be helpful information as well.
6. Sometimes (not always) an internship can turn into a full-time job upon graduation.

As you can see there are plenty of reasons to get an internship. For many students graduation is the only thing on their mind, but be careful because many internships require that you receive college credit to participate which means once you graduate you won't be eligible for many internships. It can be hard to find a full-time job with no job experience so take advantage of this time while you are in school by getting an internship.

So, how do you get an internship? Good question!
Students can start by making an appointment with a career advisor in the SDO. You will also want to sign up for accounts on the UNT job websites:
Eagle Network:
Jaguar Jobs (UNT Dallas Campus!):

You can search for internships once you are logged onto the websites and you will need to upload a resume to apply for any of the positions online. (HINT: A career advisor can help you with your resume if you want some feedback.)

Jaguar Jobs currently has several internships posted for Spring 2009. Also- It is not to early to start thinking about an internship for the Summer 2009. Many companies recruit and hire for summer internships in the Spring.

For more information about internships or getting credit for internships please call the SDO at 972-780-3632 or e-mail us at