Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2010 Job Choices Magazines Are Here!

Each year NACE, the National Association of Colleges and Employers, comes out with a magazine called Jobs Choices. There are several editions of the career related magazine for students. UNT Dallas subscribes to the Diversity Edition and the Business & Liberal Arts Edition. Both editions came in a few days ago and I've gotta say, are pretty great! The magazines are filled with useful articles about relevant career related topics. One article talks about salary ranges for recent graduates. Here are a few ranges for majors that we have here at UNTD:
Business Admin...........$35,000-$54,000
Criminal Justice...........$29,120-$48,000
Elementary Education &$32,000-$38,000
Information Sciences & Systems...$$44,000-$60,000
These ranges come from an article called, "Check Your Salary Expectations".

Other articles include, "Playing Fair: Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Job Seeker", "Network for Your Job Search", The Interview: Connecting Your Qualifications To the Employer's Needs", "The Critical First Year on the Job", "The Attention Getting Resume", and "From Student To Professional".

The magazines also offer information about Employers, the market, and how to succeed at a career fair.

Come by the Student Development Office today to get your copies of Job Choices 2010 FREE while they last!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer Interns

This summer UNT Dallas participated in the City of Dallas Mayor's Summer Intern program. We have had 4 High School aged interns working on our campus this summer. They each rotated around to different departments so that they could learn about as many different areas of higher education as possible. Here in the student development office we had each one of them for one week. This week we have Daniel, a soon to be junior from Dallas. He has worked on several different projects for us throughout the week. He also sat in on various appointments and meetings to learn more about career services. He even participated in some career services such as the "Perfect Interview" software that we have available to our students. Afterwards, he wrote this about his experience:

"Perfect Interview is a program that helps you answer questions when you are under pressure as you look into a web camera which is located in the Student Development area. You can also do it from home. You get to look at your movements when you answer a question and how you react. This program is very helpful; it helps you prepare for job interviews. In my opinion, if you take it over and over again you will be able to know how to answer questions fast and good. If you don't know how to answer a question, you get two examples of how hothers reply to the question being asked. It also tells you how to answer the question, and what details to give them. It can also help you learn how to speak clearly to other people to make sure that they understand what you are saying to them. I reccoment you try this program so you can see how good it really is."

There you have it! Call or come by the Student Development Office to practice your interviewing skills today! Other students who have tried this program have also reported that it is very helpful.

Daniel wrote one other blog post about his overall experience as an intern here at UNTD this summer. Here it is:

"My internship at UNT Dallas has been super fun. Everyone has been great to hang around with and talk to. Being here I have learned how to install computers, and some programs. They've also taught me how to make labels and file. If you work in IT or in the student advising office you will always have something to do. I'm trying to learn as much as I can because in the future I might need something they are teaching me. You may have also thought that teachers are the most important people in school, but that's not true. Without advisors, counselors, or student services you wouldn't be able to find out what classes you need or if you need someone to talk to you have your counselor. I wouldn't change this job for any other one that would just be a big mistake. Everyone treats each other like family, but without the arguing or anything like that. Around here everyone helps everybody out with any problem thy have. They treat each other so good it is hard to believe. If I have the change to come back next year I wouldn't say no. I'll be more than happy to come back. When I get here, it feels like a second home to me. My first week I was still kind of scared, but everyone here treated meme like if they have known me or I had been working here for a long time. That's why I love waking up in the morning and getting ready for work. The other interns also enjoy being here. They say they wouldn't like to work anywhere else. They like working here with all of the employees because they feel super comfortable. I'm very happy I took this internship with UNT Dallas. I'm hoping to learn more stuff as the future comes."

Thanks Daniel, we have enjoyed having you as an intern!

And we have enjoyed having the other interns too, here are some pictures of them in action!

Friday, July 10, 2009

ATTENTION! Job Search Boot Camp- August 5th, 2009

Are you in shape? Job Search shape? Has your search been losing momentum? Well then you need to come to this workshop to get your energy back! The Job Search Boot Camp will be on Wednesday, August 5th, 2009 from 10:00am-1:00pm. We will talk about Resumes, and Networking, and we will even have a guest speaker, an expert on the non profit industry, here to help too! She will offer insight based on her experience as a UNT alumni and tips on how to increase your chances of getting a job. Don't miss this opportunity! A boxes lunch will be served. An RSVP is required. You can RSVP by calling the student development office at 972-780-3632 or logging into Jaguar Jobs (It's easy to create an account if you don't already have one) at www.unt.edu/dallas/jagjobs. We hope to see you there!